Ivan participated at SLSP6
Ivan took participation at 6th Spectral Line Shapes in Plasma Workshop (SLSP6) where he held 15 minute lecture entitled Stark Broadening Modeling with ML Algorithms, in which he presented his recent work on application of machine learning algorithms for modeling of Stark spectral line broadening.
Milica defended her PhD thesis
We are proud to announce that Milica defended her PhD Thesis entitled “Primena spektroskopije laserski indukovane plazme za određivanje tragova metala u uljima” (“Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the determination of trace metals in oils”) on 29nd September 2022 at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry. Thesis advisors were dr Milivoje Ivković and dr Miroslav Kuzmanović, the PhD Defense Committee president was dr Ivana Stojković Simatović while the Committee members were dr Jelena Savović and dr Miroslav Ristić.
We wish her all the best in her future work!
SPIG 2022
Ivke, Biljana, Neša, Milica and Ivan participated in 31th Symposium of Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2022), held in Belgrade at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art. The conference was organized in hybrid format, part of the lectures was online and the other part was on site. Ivke was member of the Scientific Committee for the fifth consecutive time. Neša was in the Ogranizing Committee.
At the poster presentation part of the conference, Biljana presented the poster entitled “Spectroscopic characterization of laser-induced plasma on doped tungsten“, while Ivan presented the poster entitled “Elemental analysis of austenitic steel by calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (CF-LIBS)“. Apart from this, we also presented, or participated in the following posters:
Self-mixing interferometry for plasma diagnostics – Nikola Goleš, Neda Babucić, Nenad M. Sakan and Milivoje Ivković
Application of artificial neural network in the analysis of the spectra from laser ablation combined with fast pulse discharge – Nenad M. Sakan, Milica L. Vinić, Vladimir A. Srećković, Ivan Traparić, and Milivoje R. Ivković
Modeling of Stark spectral line broadening by machine learning algorithms – Irinel Tapalaga, Ivan Traparić, Nora Trklja Boca, Jagoš Purić and Ivan P. Dojčinović
LIBS 2022 Bari
Ivke, along side with prof. Miroslav Kuzmanović and prof. Jelena Savović participated at international LIBS 2022 conference held in Bari to present recent results obtained through the project IDEAS, financed by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
Ivke presented a poster entitled LIBS analysis of tungsten – copper alloys while prof. Savović held the invited talk entitled Relevance of mid-infrared laser as an excitation source for a variety of LIBS applications.
Neša became Associate Research Professor
We proudly announce that since 13th July 2022., Neša has a new scientific title of Associate Research Professor at the Insitute of Physics Belgrade. We wish him a lot of success in his research in the years to come.
Milica new publication
Milica collaboration with Vinca Institue of Nuclear Sciences has payed off. The article “Fast, eco-friendly synthesis of blue luminescent nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots in glycerol” has been published in Optical and Quantum Electronics.
Ivan’s very first publication
We are happy to inform you that Ivan has published his very first article in collaboration with researchers from Faculty of Physics: Irinel Tapalaga, Nora Trklja Boca and Ivan Dojčinović. Paper is entitled Stark spectral line broadening modeling by machine learning algorithms (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06763-4) and it was published in Neural Computing and Applications.
We got project through government program IDEJE
It is our great pleasure to inform you that our laboratory got the project financed by Science Fund of Republic of Serbia through program IDEJE. Project is entitled Novel approach to laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics of fusion reactor plasma facing components under the acronim NOVA2LIBS4fusion. We are the principal institution on this project, and it is being done in collaboration with Faculy of Physical Chemistry (University of Belgrade), Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Faculty of Engineering Sciences of University of Kragujevac.
The implementation of this project started this February and lasts three years. Total funds allowed are 369 000 €.
Ivan became Junior Researcher
We proudly announce that Ivan has been selected in his first scientific title Junior Researcher on 24th February 2021. We congratulate him and also wish many successful years in the future research.
Biljana became Assistant Research Professor
We proundly announce that since 22th January 2021., Biljana has a new scientific title of Assistant Research Profesor at the Insitute of Physics Belgrade. We wish her a lot of success in her research in the years to come.