Project NOVA2LIBS4fusion finished

We are proud to announce that the project NOVA2LIBS4fusion financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia is officially finished. The project had researchers from four institutions (IPB served as leading institution, along with Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Physical Chemistry and Faculty of Engineering) working together on the improvement of the analytical capabilities of LIBS for the analysis of the plasma facing components (PFCs) of future fusion reactors, as well as its optimization for in-situ application. During the period of three years, we published 5 papers, while 4 are sent to relevant journals and peer review is underway.

Also, as the project has finished, our Head of the Laboratory, Ivke, went into retirement on the 1st February 2025. We wish him happy retirement, good health and all the best in the future!

Ivan defended his PhD thesis

We are proud to announce that Ivan defended his PhD Thesis entitled “Primena mašinskog učenja i veštačke inteligencije u spektroskopiji plazme” (“Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Plasma Spectroscopy”) on 18th October 2024 at the Faculy of Physics of University of Belgrade. Thesis advisors were Doc. Dr. Marijana Gavrilović Božović and Dr. Milivoje Ivković, the PhD Defense Committee president was Prof. Dr. Bratislav Obradović while the Committee members were Prof. Dr. Ivan Dojčinović and Dr. Vladimir Srećković.

We wish him all the best in his future work!

Milica is going on a PostDoc studies in Bari

It is our great pleasure to announce that our Lab member Dr. Milica Vinic obtained a PostDoc position at University of Bari in the group of Prof. Dr. Alessandro De Giacomo on a project entitled Enhanced LAser spectroscopy TEchniques for autism Diagnostics in children (ELATED): A combined computational and experimental approach  that lasts two years. We wish her good luck in this great new step in her research career and life!

Milica gave an invited lecture at ICSQE2024 conference

The International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: “Laser Physics and Applications” (ICSQE 2024) was held from 23rd – 27th March in Ravda, Bulgaria. Milica was invited to give an invited lecture on her work on diagnostics of Laser Induced Plasma from thin oil film. The talk was entitled Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for direct determination of heavy metals in oils.

New paper by Ivan, Bilja and Ivke

During the work on the realization of NOVA2LIBS4fusion project financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia Ivke, Bilja and Ivan published an article in Spectrochimica Acta B: Atomic Spectroscopy journal entitled Resolving studies of Balmer alpha lines relevant to the LIBS analysis of hydrogen isotope retention

SPIG 2024

Ivke, Biljana, Neša, Milica, Ivan and Nikola participated in 32nd Symposium of Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2024), held in Belgrade at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art. Ivke was member of the Scientific Committee for the sixth consecutive time. Ivan was in the Ogranizing Committee, while Bilja served as the co – secretary of the conference.

During the final day of the conference, Ivan gave a progress report lecture entitled “Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Plasma Spectroscopy“.

At the poster presentation part of the conference, Biljana presented the poster entitled “Fast Photography in the Service of Spatially and Temporally Resolved LIBS Diagnostics of Doped Tungsten”, while Ivan presented the posters entitled “Detection of Rhenium in Tungsten Using LIBS with Additional Fast Pulse Discharge” and “Influence of the Ablation Angle Change on Spectral Line Intensities in LIBS Experiments“. Apart from this, we also presented, or participated in the following posters:

Target Selection for LIBS Studies of Hydrogen Isotope Retention – Dragan Ranković, Biljana Stankov, Ivan Traparić, Miroslav Kuzmanović and Milivoje Ivković

During the conference, we also had a pleasure of hosting our friend and collaborator Dr. Chihiro Suzuki – san from NIFS Japan, who gave a talk entitled “Comprehensive Z-dependence Analysis of Soft X-ray Spectra from Highly Charged Heavy Ions Using Magnetically Confined High-temperature Plasmas“.

Nikola joined our Lab

We are thrilled to announce that we have a new member in our Lab! Nikola will do his thesis research in our Lab and we wish him all the best in future!

Ivan participated in the ICSLS 2024 conference

The ICSLS 2024 conference was held in Japan from 2nd to 7th June at Prefectural Budokan in Otsu. Ivan took part at this conference, where he had two posters. One poster was about the joint work with LHD colleagues on the application of generative artificial intelligence in modeling of emitted tungsten UTA structure in EUV spectral range. The second poster was the presentation of NOVA2LIBS4fusion project results regarding the study of separation of hydrogen and deuterium spectral lines relevant for tritium retention studies.

Finally, he also had the honor of visiting the NIFS facility in Toki. Here, he held a seminar about the results disseminated at the conference, and also took a tour of LHD device that is in operation at NIFS.

Bilja stayed at ENEA Frascati Research Center for two weeks

As a part of the realisation of NOVA2LIBS4fusion project, Biljana had a scientific stay at the ENEA Frascati Research Center. There she had the opportunity to collaborate directly with Dr. Violeta Lazić, where they performed LIBS experiments and the analysis of the experimental results is underway.

Milica gave a lecture on 17th Photonics Workshop

17th Photonics Workshop was held from 10th – 14th March at the Ski Resort Kopaonik. Milica was invited to give a lecture on her work on diagnostics of Laser Induced Plasma from thin oil film. The talk was entitled Diagnostics of laser-induced plasma from a thin oil film.